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Happy Weekend everyone,
The latest Imperial Assault is out now!!
Heart of the Empire includes a new campaign with sixteen brand new missions within the heart of Coruscant.
Or do you prefer Skirmish battles?
Well then, Heart of the Empire includes a AT-DP, Baton wielding Riot Troopers and twin gunned Sentry droids to annihilate your opponent.
Along with Heart of the Empire we have:
Ahsoka Tano - Ally Pack Maul - Villain Pack Emperor Palpatine - Villain Pack
In other news fans of the latest LCG Legend of the Five Rings, might've seen that Fantasy Flight Games has announced that the first six Dynasty packs are being released over six weeks.
If you want to be kept up to date with Legend of the Five Rings call us or message us and we will make sure that there's a pack for you each week.